
my depression periods were long and frequent, my wife went to see our family doctor about it and he called me in for a talk. Althought he admitted he was not famil- iar with the problem of transvestism, he knew of such mat- ters and referred me to a psychiatrist in another city.

After several sessions this doctor discovered at least part of the reasons for my depressions and also helped me find a part of my reasons for wanting to wear girl's clothes. But he told me not to try to push my feminine side aside, as I had done several times in the past, since this was the cause of my severe mental de- pressions which had given me thoughts of self destruction. He advised me to find a place for Annette (my wife selec- ted the name) when she wanted to visit. This I have done and have never felt more relaxed emotionally and sexully than now. He said that he could not promise to lead Ann- ette out of my life but that it was possible if I really desired this. But we all know that we would not part with anything that is so satisfying to as as this mode of ex- pression. Still I think that if I should wake up some day and find Annette gone, painlessly as it were, and with a still normal sex drive left, I would doubless be better off mentally and have fewer problems. But this won't happen. So as a result of this psychiatric help Annette is still with me, but I am able to control the matter and wait for the opportune times to dress.

After a period of must dressing at home I felt that I needed some place to go while I was Annette. This led me to the decision to confide in two couples who are our closest friends. We were all college people and knew that most people have peculiarities of behavior or skele- tons in the closet. So one night I told them I liked to wear girl's shoes and clothes and that I became very de- pressed when I could not do so. I went on to explain that I wanted a place to go and people to visit with my wife while I was dressed as I'd like. These friends were and still are very close and they wanted to help if they could, so they told me I was welcome in their home in any